Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Index Dynamics - Part 3

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See previous post Index Dynamics - Part II or first part Index Dynamics - Part I

On this part, I’m going to share with you the final results for my 2 week experiment with indexes on their habitat, a production environment.

I’ve to forewarn that some data was not available, as the ANALYZE method fails for objects currently locked, given that our environment is a “live” production database and for consistency we scheduled all tests for a given time, which some days collided with business process. The Used Space graph shows those NA data points; however for INDEX1 and INDEX4 the Nov 7th data for Deltas was interpolated, the only index for which we have all samples is INDEX2, coincidentally our research subject.

First let’s see the Used Space graph, here you may see how the Used Space percentage continues the decay trend, which means that free space within the index nodes is increasing.

Compare the current Used Space figures to those sampled before the rebuild, observe that after 15 days some indexes are midway to have the same amount of free space. That recalls the frequent doubts regarding index maintenance: “Must rebuild indexes? How long will last the structure ‘optimus’ state?”

Used Space First Now
INDEX1(10c) 69% 99%
INDEX4(6c) 63% 74%
INDEX2(4c) 53% 77%
INDEX3(2c) 45% 92%

Given our partial-conclusion stated last post (Index Dynamics - Part II)
”The branch blocks are the stressed part of the B-Tree right after the rebuild”
We now might see less activity for Branch Blocks during the following days, which actually occurred.

One remark: observe the Nov 6th high for INDEX1 and the previous behavior, was on that day the transaction rate motivated a higher reorganization within the index, showing us the impact business patterns have on data structures.

I have to mention that my production environment went through a period close week, therefore increased activity and closing processes made their mark on observations. An example of this is the resulting graphs for Leaf Blocks, with noticeable inter-day spikes.

Let’s pay a visit to our research subject, INDEX2. This chart is online with everything previously stated, no surprises here.

This study motivated the following questions (that’s the problem with research, you answer one question and many new take the place):
1) How PCT_FREE (or PCT_USED) impacts the decay curve?
2) Are the splitting constants embedded in the code, optimal figures?
3) Do we need a feature for PCT_FREE change after rebuild has been done?


* High stress within the branch blocks may be observed as soon as transactions start to modify the index structure; the stress period or intensity, will depend on transaction rate and index attributes.


* Do not rebuild indexes right before processes or high load days, if heavy writing is expected: the index leaf block split overhead may impact performance.

I’ve the pending assignment of proposing a mathematical model for the Index Decay Rate… I’m working on that, with the help of Calculus. My next delivery will talk about that, I’m pretty close…

Thank you for reading, don’t forget to leave your comments.

See previous post Index Dynamics - Part II or first part Index Dynamics - Part I

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